Saturday, January 30, 2010

How do you convert traffic to shopping cart sales? Shopping Cart Abandonment stats and tips.


Then you need to know how to reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment. Nothing is more frustrating than working hard to build traffic to your site but not having it translate to shopping cart sales.

Here are some stats and a few tips on how you increase your traffic conversion.

1.Cost of shipping too high and not shown until checkout (69%)

2.Concerns on credit card information security (54%)

3.Total cost of items is too high (49%)

4.Checkout process is too long (44%)

5.Checkout requires too much personal information (35%)

6.Lack of sufficient product or contact information (31%)

>TIP 1: Make sure your company's contact information is easily found on the website. On your Contact Us page you need more than a contact us form. Include a phone number, email and a email. Make the buyer feel secure that if anything goes wrong with their order they will be able to reach you.

>TIP 2: Be upfront about shipping and tax/customs fees. If you have a shipping fees page don't hide it at the bottom of the site in tiny letters. Move it on the top part and emphasize the link. Give them multiple options for shipping, starting with Express shipping and ending with Ground shipping which is the most affordable. Also, include an email and invite them to email you any questions they have regarding shipping/taxes/customs fees.

>TIP 3: Let your visitors know that you have a secure shopping cart and that their information will not be shared. Do you use a secure gateway? Then add the logo of that company to your site. Also, consider adding Paypal payments and let your customers know why it is secure. Paypal offers many security features to buyers including disputing a credit card payment if they don't receive their merchandise as expected. That may sound scary to a seller but in the long run it pays off in increased sales. Also, buyers do not need a paypal account to pay with their credit card, Paypal will act as the gateway alone.


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